Are Portable Washing Machines Allowed in Apartments?

The concept of portable washing machines came into being when the apartments didn’t have in-unit washers. One of my friends, Cayla Balley, moved into an apartment and there was no in-unit washer. He wanted to use his portable washing machine but one of the neighbors told him about the challenges associated with it.

However, his issue was resolved but today I will be shedding some light on this issue which is commonly faced by the users but no one really talks about it. Stay with me if you want to find out the solution.

Are Portable Washing Machines Allowed in Apartments? [Reasons]

Many issues are associated with the usage of portable washing machines such as noise and leakages. At one point you must ask this question to yourself: Are Portable Washing Machines Allowed in Apartments? The reasons why they are not allowed are mentioned below.

  1. Noise Pollution

Portable machines often cause noise or vibration which might disturb other tenants. Due to this reason, most of the landlords don’t allow the tenants to use portable machines in the apartments. If your machine is really not that noisy then the least you could do is convince your landlord about it.

  1. Water Damage

Portable washing machines have similar problems like the regular ones. They also suffer leakages and overflows usually from pipe breakage. Unfortunately, if this happens then the apartment floor will be damaged. This is one of the many issues due to which landlords ban the usage of portable washing machines in the apartment.

Are Portable Washing Machines Allowed in Apartments
Are Portable Washing Machines Allowed in Apartments

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  1. Increase in Apartment’s Utility and Water Cost

In case your landlord is responsible for paying the entire apartment bills then he will definitely find ways to cut the cost. One of such ways is to prohibit the use of portable washing machines in the apartment.

  1. Drainage Problems

If the apartment you are living in is really old then there is a chance that the drainage pipes present there are really small. Since the drainage will be shared by other tenants as well so the landlord might ban the usage of portable washing machines.

  1. Hot/Cold Water Loss

Being a frequent washing machine user could get you in trouble. By using the portable washing machine you might consume all the apartment’s water heater leaving too little for the other tenants. In order to avoid complaints from the tenants, landlords prohibit the usage of portable washing machines.

  1. Interference with the Apartment’s Electrical

Living in an old apartment also means that if you use any electrical appliance of your own then it will interfere with the apartment’s electrical network which might not settle with the landlord.

What Steps Should be Followed Before using Portable Washing Machines in the Apartment?

Not every apartment has this restriction of not using the portable washing machine. But you have to follow the proper procedure so you don’t face any inconvenience during the process. You need to do the checking with the following authorities.

Landlord or Apartment Manager

After renting an apartment you will surely receive a tenant’s lease agreement. If this is the case then the agreement must have the names of all the goods which can be used. Unfortunately, if this is not the case then you need to have a meeting with them regarding this and make a confirmation whether you can use a portable washer or not.

Local Building Authority

After dealing with the lease agreement option, the next thing you have to do is check with the local building authority. You will be presented with the building codes that actually allow the usage of durable goods like washing machines.

Tenants Board

Tenants’ board, however, is another part to consult if the first two options fail. But there should exist a tenants’ board in your building to contact with. The board has important outlines regarding the acceptable and unacceptable goods in the apartment.

Precautions to Consider before using Washing Machine in the Apartment

If you have successfully established a compromise for using a portable washing machine in your apartment then the next things that you need to consider are the following.

Apartment shouldn’t have Dryer Hookups or Washer

There is no harm in using a portable washing machine and dryer in the apartments having no hookups. The issues kick in when there are hookups. Here “without hookups” refers to the meaning when the apartment owner doesn’t have to offer the dryer and washer. If so, you can carry yours.

Access to Good Drainage and Laundry Water

Getting permission to use a portable washing machine isn’t enough. You have to have access to good drainage. Similarly, you will be unable to use it if you don’t have access to the laundry water as well. Before using the washer you need to confirm both these accessibilities.

Washing Machine being Portable

If the lease agreement has mentioned that you can use washer and dryer without hookups then it doesn’t mean you can bring any washing machine into the apartment. You need to make sure that the washer you are going to use is really portable.

Are Portable Washing Machines Allowed in Apartments
Are Portable Washing Machines Allowed in Apartments

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q – Can I put a washer and dryer in my apartment without hookups?

A – Yes, you can put a washer and dryer in your apartment without hookups by establishing a connection to cold water and an electrical outlet having 120-volts.

Q – Am I allowed to put a washing machine in my apartment?

A – If your building management or building authority doesn’t have any issue with you using durable goods like washers and dryers then yes, you can put a washing machine in your apartment.

The End:

There are certain rules and regulations that need to be followed whenever you are thinking of having your own portable washing machine in your apartment. If you are unaware of the procedure then I have mentioned all the important points in this article. Make sure to give this article a thorough read so you wouldn’t have to face future inconveniences. 

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