When emergencies strike, immediate and effective action can make a significant difference. Emergencies can occur at any location, at any moment and can affect anyone. Being prepared with first aid knowledge and skills is crucial in responding to these emergencies effectively.
This blog discusses first aid procedures for seven common medical emergencies in the workplace and highlights the importance of first aid training.
What are Medical Emergencies?
Medical emergencies are sudden health crises that demand immediate medical attention. They can range from minor injuries to severe conditions that threaten one’s life. The critical factor that defines a medical emergency is its urgency and potential to become life-threatening without quick intervention.
First Aid Procedures for Seven Common Workplace Medical Emergencies
1. Cardiac Arrest
Cardiac arrest can occur suddenly, with unexpected cessation of the heart’s pumping action, disrupting blood circulation to the brain and other organs. In such cases, immediate action is required.
- Start by calling emergency services.
- If trained, immediately begin performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). This involves placing your hands on the centre of the person’s chest and applying firm, rapid compressions at a rate of 100 to 120 compressions per minute.
- If an automated external defibrillator (AED) is present, use it immediately without delay.
2. Choking
Choking happens when an object obstructs the airway, making breathing difficult.
- For adults and children over one year old, use the Heimlich manoeuvre: Stand behind the person, wrap your arms around their waist, tilt them forward slightly and give quick, upward abdominal thrusts.
- For infants, lay them face down on your forearm and give five back slaps, then turn them up and give five chest thrusts.
3. Severe Bleeding
Extensive bleeding can lead to shock and other complications.
- First, ensure your safety by wearing gloves if available.
- Put direct pressure on the wound with a clean cloth or bandage.
- If the bleeding does not stop, continue to apply pressure and seek medical help immediately.
- Do not remove the cloth or bandage; add more layers if needed.
4. Burns
When treating burns, it’s crucial to follow these steps to ensure proper care and minimise further injury:
- Try to cool the affected area for minor burns by placing it under running water for at least 10 minutes.
- Cover the burn with a sterile, non-adhesive bandage or cloth.
- Avoid applying ice, butter or ointments, which can further damage the skin.
For severe burns, do not immerse in water or try to remove any clothing stuck to the burn. Instead, cover the area lightly with a clean cloth or bandage and seek immediate medical attention.
5. Stroke
Recognising a stroke quickly can be crucial. In the event of a suspected stroke, remember the FAST acronym to identify the signs of a stroke quickly:
- Face drooping
- Arm weakness
- Speech difficulties
- Need to call emergency services immediately
If you suspect someone has a stroke, perform these quick checks and call for help immediately. Do not give them anything to eat or drink.
6. Anaphylaxis
Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening, severe allergic reaction characterised by symptoms such as:
- Difficulty breathing
- Facial and throat swelling
- A rapid drop in blood pressure
- Dizziness
In the event of an anaphylactic reaction, instantly use the person’s epinephrine auto-injector, if available and call for emergency medical assistance without delay.
7. Fractures
If you suspect a fracture, take the following steps:
- Immobilise the area without trying to realign the bone
- Use a splint or padding to support the area, keeping it in the position found
- Avoid movement and apply ice wrapped in a cloth to reduce swelling
- Call for emergency medical assistance and do not give the person anything to eat or drink in case surgery is required
Importance of First Aid Training in the Workplace
First aid at work course gives employees an understanding of what to do in medical emergencies until professional help arrives, minimising the impact of injuries and illnesses. The course enhances safety awareness, helping in the prevention of accidents. Additionally, it fosters a caring and supportive environment, boosting morale and demonstrating an employer’s commitment to their team’s well-being.
Understanding and being able to perform first aid during medical emergencies can dramatically influence the outcome of health crises. The seven emergencies highlighted above illustrate situations where knowledge of first aid can save lives or prevent further harm. Investing in first aid courses helps promote safety and awareness and also fosters a supportive and proactive community, reflecting a commitment to the well-being of everyone involved.