If we have multiple businesses at the same address, how should you go about becoming listed in Google My Business? If you are genuinely operating more than one business at my location, how many listings are you qualified for? What establishes competence, and what sanctions could you face for a mistake? What names should my businesses with the same address have?
It is consistently a major topic of discussion on local SEO discussion forums on the internet. Google’s guidelines for promoting your business on Google provide most of the information you need about co-located businesses, but sometimes the guidelines provide too little detail, which can lead to confusion. For a straightforward way to boost your Instagram followers and likes, check out Mixx.
Is it Possible to Have Many Google My Business Listings?
A Google My Business listing can normally be made for each of your legally separate, genuinely operational enterprises. It’s very typical for multiple businesses to be housed at the same address. Continue reading, though, for more information and caveats.
How can you establish separate Google My Business listings for each of them?
Each brick and mortar business you run will normally qualify for a separate GMB listing if it is independently registered with the relevant state and federal agencies, has a distinctive TAX ID with which you file separate taxes, interacts with consumers in person, and has a distinctive phone number. To learn more, however, continue reading.
Can service area companies advertise more than one company at the same address?
SABs and brick-and-mortar businesses have historically received separate treatment by Google. While displaying numerous SABs, such as plumbers and locksmiths, at the same site is not expressly forbidden by any regulations. It is not the best practice though. Even though the firms are legitimate and unique, Google seems to be more aggressive in imposing hard suspensions to SABs in this circumstance. This makes it a better strategy to avoid placing SABs close together.
What are the factors that cause Google to remove duplicate listings?
You cannot advertise your businesses individually if they are not registered as legally independent entities or if they do not have their own phone numbers. Additionally, your businesses are not acceptable for various listings if they are merely examples of the various goods or services you provide under the banner of a single company, such as a handyman who fixes both water heaters and air conditioners. Furthermore, avoid listing several companies at PO boxes, virtual offices, mailboxes in far-off places, or places where you lack the ability to represent them.
Can you list my business there even though there are other businesses at that address?
You are normally entitled for a Google My Business profile if your company has a distinct, direct phone number that is responded to by you and you staff the co-working area with your own employees during the hours that are specified. However, if any of the rival companies overlap your categories or are vying for the same search phrases, it’s likely that Google’s mapping product will exclude you or your rivals owing to the same components.
If you own various seasonal businesses at my address, how many GMB listings are you permitted to have?
You must carefully adhere to Google’s guidelines for seasonal enterprises if your property operates a Christmas tree farm in the winter and an organic fruit stand in the summer. For the best GMB management, each entity must have year-round signs, set and then remove its GMB hours at the beginning and end of its season, and meet other requirements in order to be eligible for a listing. Every organization needs a unique name, phone number, and Google categories.
How should you refer to the several companies that share the same address?
Co-located enterprises need to be extremely careful to follow the legal naming conventions. In order to reduce the danger of filtering or penalties. Typically, there are five types of inquiries around this:
- When one company is housed inside another. As in the example of a McDonald’s inside a Walmart. The Google My Business names should be “McDonald’s” and “Walmart,” not “McDonalds in Walmart.”
- It is not appropriate for co-located brands. Such as Taco Bell and Dunkin’ Donuts, to merge their company names for the listing. If the brands are separate, they should either make a single entry using just one of the brand names. Or multiple listings for each brand.
- It is appropriate to refer to two listings. As the Chevrolet Sales Department and Chevrolet Parts Department if they truly represent the sales and parts departments of a Chevrolet dealership, for example.
- Avoid using the marking of the product sold in the GMB business name. That’s if a brand sells products from another brand, such as Big-O selling Firestone Tires.
- It would be standard protocol to maintain the names of the several new businesses distinct. If the owner is launching them all at the same place.
To Sum Up
Sharing an address across different firms is acceptable. Businesses in this same position score well in Google’s local index without worrying about getting a punishment. But in this situation, the devil is undoubtedly in the details when it comes to success and safety. You’ll be in good shape if you determine eligibility, correctly and honestly represent your business. Follow rules and best practices and strive hard to get past the filters.